Who is it:
Jacob Old, Jake to most people, is taller than he looks, quite sarcastic (without meaning to offend) and has dichotic interests in both technically whizzy things with flashing lights and hippy woody things. This balances out to produce the laconic and somewhat intense - but always very friendly chap who comes up with innovative technical solutions to Tim's fanciful imaginings. Jake has a dress sense somewhere between tramp and eccentric and has a similarly unique hair style.
Tim about Jake:
"Jake's a pain in the arse! He's one of those guys who is "frequently" right (read always in Jake world). A self professed geek Jake keeps things at the technical cutting edge. It's great working with him as it leaves me free to draw pretty pictures. He is like a terrier with all things technical and won't cease until he has reached his own levels of acceptability, (which exceed most people's perfection). In fact to say he is a techy or a geek is really to miss the point, Jake is a perfectionist and brings his high standards to all he works on, whether it's your website or rewiring a plug! He is also a blast - get him on the Tequila, light blue touch paper and retreat... He is often found in forests at weekends stomping in front of quite a few kilowatts of speaker, next to a guy with a mohawk."
Jake about Jake:
"I hate talking about myself so I sneakily wrote about myself in the 'Who is it' section in the third person!"
Customer about Jake:
New quote coming soon...
Jake's favourites?
email: jake@sketchanidea.co.uk
blog: blog.sketchanidea.co.uk
Testing out Facebook Comments!

Kind of nice to put a face to a name we think :) |